Schooled by Gordon Korman

August 21st, 2009 by Brian Leave a reply »

To call Schooled by Gordon Korman the guy version of Stargirl would be selling it short.

In the same tradition as Son of the Mob and No More Dead Dogs, Gordon Korman delivers another funny book. Cap Anderson has been raised on a commune for his whole life. When his grandmother, his only caretaker, breaks her hip, Cap must go to the local public school and see how the world has changed since the 1960s.

What I liked about the book is that each chapter is told from a different character’s perspective. Cap, through his caring attitude towards everyone, changes the school one person at a time (he memorizes every student’s name from the school yearbook).

The especially funny parts are how Cap reacts to things that we take for granted, like lockers and television. He can’t figure out why we can’t share our possessions; he also worries deeply for the people on a teen drama show, hoping that they can sort out their complicated lives.

Schooled is a quick read that will entertain while challenging you to evaluate how you treat other people.



  1. Chelsea says:

    i love schooled i already read it twice!! :)))

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