The story of Emily continues in yet another beautiful book by Kibuishi. The characters have a great, consistent style to them and the landscapes could be stand-alone paintings apart from the book.
Like the other books in the series, Emily is joined by various characters on her hero’s quest. In each installment we get to see a little bit more of the history of the Stonekeepers and the dynamics of human versus elf politics. The Last Council is great because we see other Stonekeepers fight it out and learn how Emily fits into the grand scheme of things.
The only distraction for me was when a group of kids are thrown into an arena to prove survival of the fittest. I trust that Kibuishi had that classic trope planned because it was needed and not because arena fights are really popular right now.
I bought a hardcover version of The Last Council. I’m excited to see how this stands up since this series is very popular in my library.