Call of the Wild

February 22nd, 2008 by Brian Leave a reply »

This is a research project for Ms. Clerke’s Call of the Wild unit.

  1.  We will be using Destiny1 to look up the information, Inspiration to create the outline, and Word to make the Works Cited page.
  2. You will be looking for information about Call of the Wild in three categories: Jack London biographical info, Gold Rush historical information, and details that help develop the setting and the characters of the novel.
  3. When you are done, your outline will look like this:
  4. Click here to see a larger version:Call of the Wild Outline 

  5. Use Destiny1 to find your information. Record where you found each article in a Word document.
  6. At the end you will have a printed Inspiration outline and a Works Cited (check your Write Right) typed up in Word.

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