
January 28th, 2010 by Brian Leave a reply »

ToonDoo had been blocked by our district’s Internet filter for a long time. It’s now open for use, so I thought I’d highlight it.

ToonDoo gives you a selection of comic layouts that you can add text and pictures to. It’s a perfect set-up for a quick classroom lesson in the computer lab. I can see its application as a jigsaw activity, where students become experts on one area of the content and other students view their comics. It could work as a final assessment where students have to prove that they learned something in the unit.

You won’t make complex comics with ToonDoo (Kazu Kibuishi, you don’t have anything to fear), but you can create some pretty decent ones. Here’s one that I made in five minutes:
Your jokes don’t have to be so bad. That’s optional.



  1. Ed says:

    It’s great though! We use it extensively at our school for kids to express their understanding in a creative way. Excellent for foreign language practice too. We have our own private toondoospace, which is a really good way to go for schools.

  2. Brian says:

    Use in a modern language class is a great idea. Thanks!

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