Girl to the Core by Stacey Goldblatt

March 8th, 2010 by Brian Leave a reply »

This is proof that I can and do read books that don’t have giant monsters and/or helicopter chases.

Girl to the Core is a simple story of Molly, a high schooler from a strong Irish family. Her mom passed away when she was little, so she has been raised by her dad and her uncles. Molly must stand up to a controlling boyfriend and a pushy best friend and figure out who she is.

This is a similar plot for many books.

But what makes this one stand out is that her boyfriend pushes her too far at the beginning of the book. Most books have this towards the middle to end of the plot arc. By having Trevor be a jerk up front, we now follow Molly on a journey of how to continually stand up to someone (more realistic than a single confrontation) while she redefines herself.

Another perk is Molly’s Irish family. Many different personalities try to give her differing advice on life with the common theme that they care for her. The family members are written in such a way that you want to be a part of their family.

An added bonus to the book is the collection of journal questions at the end of the book. Molly starts to journal and learn more about what she truly believes. Goldblatt gives readers questions to get their journal writing processes started.

This book is a sleeper hit. You won’t see big publicity for it but Girl to the Core is a necessary read for junior high libraries in modeling how to peacefully/respectfully stand up for yourself.


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