Creating a Motion Guide in Flash

January 20th, 2010 by Brian Leave a reply »

Symbols in Flash can use a motion guide to designate a more specific route, with the precision of the pencil tool, for the animation to follow (so you don’t have to make so many adjustments frame-by-frame).

Let’s add a motion guide to our UFO from last week. Click here if you weren’t here last week.

Your project will look something like this when you’re done:

After your last frame of the UFO, let’s have the UFO fly off.

  1. Click on the UFO in the last frame of the timeline. (If the last frame is part of a motion tween already, add a new keyframe right after it).
  2. Next to the Create a New Layer button there’s a box with a dotted line next to it. Click on that icon.
  3. Click on the new layer. Make sure it’s the same frame in the timeline as the end of your UFO.
  4. Insert a new keyframe in the Guide layer.
  5. On that keyframe, draw your new path with the pencil tool.
  6. Move your UFO symbol to snap to the beginning of the path you just created.
  7. Decide how long you want the UFO animation to be. Create a keyframe on the UFO layer a couple of frames down the timeline (more frames means the UFO goes slower on the path).
  8. Create a keyframe on the Guide layer the same number of frames down the timeline that you made the UFO.
  9. On the last keyframe, move your UFO to the end of the path, snapping the UFO to the line.
  10. Highlight the UFO frames from the start of its motion to the last keyframe. CTRL+Click (right click) on the highlighted frames. Create a Motion Tween.
  11. Test your movie.

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