It Can Wait

July 31st, 2012 by Brian Leave a reply »

Last Friday I was able to go to the American Idol Live concert in connection with AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign. AT&T had people at the entrance to Arena to talk with about the dangers of texting and driving. They had iPads queued up with the Facebook page to take the pledge with a few simple clicks. You can take the pledge on Facebook here or through AT&T’s dedicated website here.

The seats were great and I was able to chat with some of the people about the It Can Wait campaign. One of the messages that I posted on Twitter about it was displayed on the Jumbotron screens in the arena, which was fun.

AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign is sobering in its focus: to give real-life examples of people affected by teens texting and driving. We are currently in the 100 deadliest days of summer according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Teens are more at risk now to get in a fatal accident than any other time of the year. A study from Virginia Tech found that drivers who text while driving are 23 times more likely to get in a crash.

If you want more information about distracted driving, check out


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