To introduce The Diary of Anne Frank, I would simulate a day at a market under shortages and rationing. We then followed up with the “Homefront” article. Little slips of colored paper helped me to demonstrate real life history.
Each student got one of the three lists and a randomly selected pile of colored slips of paper. The object is to get your groceries for the week, with the starred item being crucial to your specific family. The corresponding article delves into the different rationed items.
At the end we debriefed (crucial for learning) and I pointed out each year how there was someone willing to lie and steal just for little scraps of paper, without anyone’s life on the line.
Make do – Wear it out – Do without, my friends!
“The Home Front: 1941-1945” by Hazel Shelton Abernethy
Rationing Requirements
Your family needs stamps to purchase all of these items for this week. One point for each item acquired. A bonus point if you can purchase the starred item.
Food = 1 pink
* Gasoline = 3 purple
Metal/Electronics = 3 yellow
Hygiene products = 2 green
Sugar = 1 blue__________________________________________________________________
Rationing Requirements
Your family needs stamps to purchase all of these items for this week. One point for each item acquired. A bonus point if you can purchase the starred item.
Food = 1 pink
Gasoline = 3 purple
* Metal/Electronics = 3 yellow
Hygiene products = 2 green
Sugar = 1 blue__________________________________________________________________
Rationing Requirements
Your family needs stamps to purchase all of these items for this week. One point for each item acquired. A bonus point if you can purchase the starred item.
Food = 1 pink
Gasoline = 3 purple
Metal/Electronics = 3 yellow
Hygiene products = 2 green
* Sugar = 1 blue