Questions for Star Wars: A New Hope

December 17th, 2007 by Brian Leave a reply »

This is in regard to the theme of striking out on your own, as well as state standards on the elements of literature:

  1. What purpose do the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 serve?
  2. How do the droids demonstrate the theme of “out there on your own”?
  3. What colors do the Imperials wear? What might they symbolize? How are the outfits different from what everyone else in the galaxy is wearing?
  4. What might the twin suns sunset that Luke watches symbolize?
  5. What is the mood of the Mos Eisley Cantina? (Where Luke and Ben meet Han Solo)
  6. How does the choice of setting affect the story?
  7. How does Ben’s death demonstrate one of the main themes?
  8. What’s ironic about Princess Leia’s rescue from the Death Star?
  9. Identify one conflict present already. Which type is it? (character vs. …)
  10. Name one example of suspense.
  11. Name one antagonist from the movie and give evidence to support your choice.
  12. From which point of view/perspective is the story told?
  13. Create a simile, metaphor, and alliteration about the movie (those are three separate things).
  14. Identify the:
    Exposition –
    Rising Action –
    Turning Point –
    Falling Action –
    Resolution –
  15. Which genre does this story fit into? What are some parts of the story that help you figure that out?
  16. What are three words used in the story (either dialogue or names of people/places/things) that evoke a certain mood?
  17. Are there similarities/references/allusions in this story that you’ve seen in other stories from other cultures?

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