Our role in the learning community

January 29th, 2009 by Brian Leave a reply »

For the librarians outside of our district, you may find it helpful to see how we describe ourselves:

On Wednesday, January 28 we met as district librarians to address a statement of a common purpose as well as how to prepare our students for success in an unpredictable world.

We see our roles as educational partners for our learning community, both in the site-based and district-wide senses. Where we see success is when the library has become the nerve center for informational fluency, helping students to effectively and ethically use the resources available to them. Because reading is crucial to success in the academic setting as well as for lifelong learning, we will provide activities that encourage an enjoyment of reading as well as proficiency in workplace texts.

We also want to help teachers, especially new teachers, coordinate instruction in ways that engage their students. We want to see technology use flow seamlessly into instruction and not have technology just for technology’s sake. We want GPS to thrive in a complex information environment.

We want to make others look good.


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