Archive for April, 2010

New Apple Patent

April 30th, 2010

This will more than likely not be a part of the new iPhone (which I agree with predictions of a June unveiling).

My guess is that this patent is in relation to a second-generation iPad, since the keyboard is the screen. One step closer to a Star Wars datapad:

Dust Bowl Webquest

April 27th, 2010

This link is for Ms. Redden’s Language Arts students. Click here for the link.

This WebQuest is to add historical context to Out of the Dust.

Happy Book Day to you!

April 23rd, 2010

Today marks the birth/death of Shakespeare on the Julian calendar and the death of Miguel Cervantes on the Gregorian calendar. Celebrate their work by giving a book away today. I’ve already given away tons this morning – and if they don’t come back in two weeks there’ll be a fine.

Cervantes is most known for writing Don Quixote. Shakespeare is known for writing everything else and having people copy his work. Click on their names to read a sample of their work.

Writing insight from the past and the future

April 21st, 2010

Check out the real-life interview of Mark Twain by Rudyard Kipling here.

io9 has a great article about using the Find feature in Word to improve your manuscript. That article can be found here.

Even cookbooks need proofreading

April 20th, 2010

7,000 copies of a cookbook in Australia are scheduled to be destroyed and re-printed because of one word that made it into the final copy that shouldn’t have. It will cost Penguin around $20,000. What’s really funny is that the typo came from a word suggestion by the spell checking software. Click here to find out more about the error.

Archiving Twitter

April 15th, 2010

There are a lot of Twitter users, upwards of 105 million registered users. Even if they update just once a day, that’s a lot of messages.

Google has been tagging tweets to include into live searches. That’s how I found the most current information about the iPad when Steve Jobs announced it.

Now the Library of Congress is going to archive all public messages. Readers will be able to cross-reference tons of information. I love following NASA Twitter accounts to get updated news way before regular media has anything to say. It will take on a very organized format and be preserved for a while. Read more about it at USA Today.

Technology in an Earthquake

April 5th, 2010

Yesterday Baja, California had a 6.9/7.2 earthquake. Friends of mine in the Los Angeles area said on Facebook it was one of the longest ones they had experienced.

In my house in Arizona we felt the quake.

At first I thought I was just queasy from over-eating at lunch. I then saw a picture frame in my living room swaying back and forth. I heard a rumble and wondered if a large truck was idling in the alley. My brain finally clicked that an earthquake was under way. I sent out a status update to Twitter.

Once the motion stopped, my phone got an influx of text messages. Other friends in the Valley were also messaging about the quake.

Within five minutes of the quake I was able to visit the US Geological Survey site and get an update on the magnitude and location, down to the GPS coordinates.

Traditional news outlets on regular air TV updated a few hours later.

We just felt tremors – imagine if we were in the epicenter and it had been more violent. It’s another sign of why we need a worldwide network of mobile devices.

The USGS site has a place to sign up for their earthquake newsletter. We’d like to get the e-mails before the quakes happen.